Polar Graphpaper generator

When you click 'Generate' this page will generate a two page PDF file containing graph paper to match your specifications. (It generates two pages to facilitate two-sided printing.)

(tested almost exclusively with mm; all angle measurements in degrees)

Margins: Enter one number (and the others blank) for all margins equal. Enter two numbers for symmetrical (Left/Right) and (Top/Bottom) margins. Otherwise enter L, R, T, B.

Style: We have a major spacing, and a number of minor divisions between each major. (For example, to have 10mm major spacing and 2mm minor spacing, set major spacing to 10 and subdivisions to 5.) Specify radial (r) and axial (θ) spacing separately. For logarithmic spacing (r only), minor spacing is adaptive.

Last modified: Tue Dec 27 00:49:49 AWST 2022